Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Coming home!

Aaaaaaaand now for ANOTHER update on this year’s Project 365….

Day 214 (2012-08-01) ~  I've said it before and I'll say it again: the trees in Seattle remind me of Oscar the Grouch!  All that lush, green moss looks a lot like fur sometimes.

Day 215 (2012-08-02) ~  Meet one of my neighbors during my stay in Seattle.  These slimy dudes were EVERYWHERE.  Ewwwww.

Day 216 (2012-08-03)
~  A toad sculpture in my mom's garden.  Pffft!  I can never tell if he looks happy or menacing.

Day 217 (2012-08-04)
~  I got a few pictures of this guy wind sailing a massive tree.  He was maybe 50 feet up that tree, leaping around the branches and wielding a chainsaw like it was nothing.  My sister got a shot better than this one though—after I'd put my camera away, the guy lit a cigarette up there and clung to the tree while smoking!  Yeesh.

Day 218 (2012-08-05) ~  Feeling blue.  Again.  Scope had gone back home to Chicago a couple of days before I shot this picture, and my baby had gone on the second part of her stay with certain estranged relatives, a three hour drive away, and I was still loitering on my mom’s couch.  It was kind of depressing, actually.  :-(

Day 219 (2012-08-06) ~   What a cutsie flower!  It took every ounce of my self control not to draw a smiley face on it.

Day 220 (2012-08-07) ~   Ugh.  Spiders.  I hate them.  HATE!!!!  While staying in Seattle, I found at least one spider in the house every single day.  Sometimes I found three before breakfast.  *shudder*  I see no reason why nature shouldn’t just stay outside where effing it belongs, like this one that I found in someone’s garden.

Day 221 (2012-08-08) ~  While out on a walk, I found this fence in dire need of a new paint job.... but, yet, I still think it looks somehow quite pretty in its own way, don't you?

Day 222 (2012-08-09) ~  While in Seattle I found out that my old favorite radio station from my high school days still plays all the old music I loved back then every Thursday morning.  They call it "Save The Wave".  They were playing Depeche Mode, Erasure, Book of Love, and all that good stuff from way back when.  So, I thought the radio dial deserved to be a picture of the day.

Day 223 (2012-08-10) ~  The blackberries in Seattle started ripening while I was still in town.  Yay!  I filled several big tubs full of them and kept them in my mom’s fridge.  Mm-mm-mmmm.  When we lived in Seattle, Wednesday and I would fill our freezer full of tubs of blackberries we picked for free in the neighborhood.

Day 224 (2012-08-11) ~  He’s sexy and he knows it.  In the grocery store with my nephew, we found a figure of the brown M&M lady standing in the candy aisle.  Of course, my LMFAO-lovin' nephew went running right over to it to do the "wiggle dance" like he was the red M&M in the commercial.  (Hee hee hee.)

Day 225 (2012-08-12)
~  Really?  Fall in Seattle?  In early August?!  Wow.

Day 226 (2012-08-13) ~  Eh.  Just a quickie for the day because I was ultra busy.  It's my mom's watering can.  Whatever.  They can’t all be good, right?

Day 227 (2012-08-14) ~  Ohhhhhhhh, the joy!  Wednesday came back from her stay with her other relatives, and my nephew and nieces were SOOOOOOOOOO excited!  A water fight AND a silly string war promptly broke out in the driveway and this is what my delighted nephew looked like as he ran, screaming, as Wednesday chased him down with her silly string can.  :-)

Day 228 (2012-08-15) ~  This was our last night in Seattle.  In some respects, the five weeks went by much faster than I had expected, but in other respects, it took FOREVER.  Wednesday and I hung out with her cousins our last night in town.  There were mixed emotions, of course, as we were simultaneously excited and relieved to be going back to our normal lives with our beloved Scope in Chicago, but we also knew we would be missing those three munchkins in the picture there.

Day 229 (2012-08-16) ~  On our flight home from Seattle, the kiddo and I passed by Mt Rainier.

More pics will be posted soon!  Hopefully, we will be all caught up by next week.  (Yay!)

© Coracabana

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