The final, last ever Harry Potter movie is coming out this Friday. That’s it. Done. Over. Finite Incantatem. There will be n-n-no m-m-more Harry Potter movies t-t-to look f-f-forward to.
None. Zero. Zilch. Well…. unless JK Rowling writes book eight, of course!
*hoping…. hoping…. HOPING!!!!*
(Yes, yes. I’m a dork. Just roll with it, okay?)
Anyway…. maybe because it’s Harry Potter Week (or, I dunno, maybe it’s just a coincidence or something) (whatever), but a few days ago Harry and the Potters came to town and put on a free concert just a couple of blocks away from our house.
As a rabid, drooling Harry Potter fan, I had definitely heard of Harry and the Potters, but I had not actually ever seen them in concert before nor heard any of their Harry Potter-y songs, like, ever. But so what? It’s Harry Potter Week, I’m uberoverexcited, and the price was right, so I dragged my hubba hubba hubby, Scope, and my daughter, Wednesday, off to Lincoln Square for the free concert.
I don’t know exactly what I was expecting. Maybe a couple of nerdy wizard-y songs. Perhaps a few squealing Harry Potter fans in Gryffindor scarves and round glasses. I wasn’t really sure what we were in for, but I know I really, REALLY wanted to find out, and I’m exceptionally glad I did.
Harry and the Potters were sooOOooOOooOOoo much fun! The songs were definitely Harry Potter-y, but they were also catchy, brainy and funny. The crowd was a lot bigger than I was expecting (I read in an article the next day that there were roughly 700 people at the concert) and most of them knew a lot of the songs by heart and were singing along with the band. I had a splendiferous time, and I’m pretty sure Scope and Wednesday did too.
Of course, because I’m Cora, I had my camera in hand and snapped a ridonkulous load of pictures. It all looked a little something like this….
Waiting for the show to start…
Harry Potter fans on the loose….
The band hit the stage….
I bought their CDs. Shut up….
Scope got into the “Hagrid Is Full Of Love” song….
Scope and I attempted to make a heart with our hands, but since my hands are the size of drink coasters and his are the size of dinner plates, it came out looking more like a deformed apple. Oh well….
Wednesday and I got Harry and the Potters t-shirts….
And, hey-hey-hey, looky what I just found: someone else at the concert near us filmed the whole dang thing and put it on Youtube. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!:
Part 1
Part 2
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the three of us have been singing those Harry and the Potters songs ever since. We can't get them out of our heads! And I am already wondering when the band will be back in town…. Next summer, perhaps?
I hope so!!!!

© Coracabana