Or that Windows Live Writer still acknowledged my existence.
Which it didn't.
Now I'm forced to compose my posts in Blogger like an animal. No borders around my pictures or anything! *sniffle* F**k you, Windows Live Writer.
But anyway....
I figured that since I have spent so much of my time lately in thrift stores, garage sales, and on eBay, I might as well tell you a bit about my eBay adventures. Here are some of my better (and more high-five worthy) recent sales:
Out in Seattle last Christmas, I bought this Green Day American Idiot t-shirt in a thrift store for $2.99. I really liked it, but it was too short on me (What?! I know!) and my kiddo, Wednesday, wanted nothing to do with any shirt that had “idiot” sprawled across the front of it, so I listed it on eBay and it sold to a buyer in Australia for $18.00. Sa-weet!
There’s this really awesome local thrift store here in Chicago that I walk to every Monday for their 50% off sale. I bought this uber-slutty Coogi nautical-themed mini dress there for $3.00 and it sold on eBay for $50.00. Cha-ching! (Ohhhh, slutty sailor dresses, how I love thee!). I wish I could find one of these every day!
I bought this black, white, and red Anthropologie mesh skirt that had a really cool Tim Burton kind of look to it at my favorite thrift store. I got it for $2.19 and it sold for $17.50.
Over the summer we had a huge community garage sale where I bought this 1973 Woodsy Owl (Remember him?! “Give a hoot! Don’t pollute!”) for $4.00. The seller wanted $5.00 for it, but Woodsy was pretty beaten up and I tried to talk him down to $2.50, but he wouldn’t go any lower than $4.00. Arg! Dilemma! I crossed my fingers and hoped his damaged spots wouldn’t be too bothersome to scare off any eBay buyers, but I shouldn’t have worried. Woodsy sold fast and he sold for $27.00, so woo-hoo!
At the community wide garage sale, I also bought these Ninjago Lego minifigs as part of a set of two huge bags of Lego pieces. The bags cost a total of $20, but I parted the various Legos out and these figures alone sold for $65.00!
These Batman Lego minifigs were part of the same garage sale Lego bags as the Ninjago ones. This grouping sold for $42.00. With all the different Lego groupings and sales I made from those Lego bags, I made over $150 in profit so far, and I’m not even done listing them all yet!
Other community wide garage sale finds: This 50’s/60’s style Girl Scout Brownie plastic figurine which I got for 25 cents. Yeah, just 25 cents! I soooooooo felt like I was ripping the lady off! It sold on eBay for $15.00.
And this little plastic tabletop globe which I got for 50 cents and it sold for $20.50.
And this Tupperware Shape-O-Ball which I bought for $2.00 and it sold for $20.00.
Man, we did great with our summer garage sale loot! But back to thrift store scores. I bought this huge Warner Brothers Studio Store Harry Potter snow globe at a thrift store for $2.73. I about fainted when I saw it. I know they are hard to find and can go for quite a bit of money. This one had some minor damage and was missing its box, but I was still confidant it was worth it. It ended up selling on eBay for $37.99.
I bought these Serta Sheep beanie babies at the local thrift store for $3.28 and they sold for $20.00 in about a day.
I bought this red vinyl snake skin jacket for $5.46. This one took awhile to sell, but it eventually sold for $25.00.
This old 1970’s Sears Winnie the Pooh teddy bear was sitting alone and abandoned at the thrift store. I got it for $1.09. It sold for $20.00 to a buyer in England.
I also bought this big bag of old Polly Pocket dolls from the early 90’s at the thrift store for $3.38 and it sold to an Australian buyer for $35.00 within an hour of listing it.
And. lastly, I bought this life sized Jack Skellington Halloween decoration at the drug store for $15.00 and it sold on eBay for $90.00. Woo-hoo!
And that’s what has been keeping me so busy lately, all the bargain hunting, listing, packing, and trips to the post office. Whew! I’m not sure how many of you guys are still around and reading ye olde blogs anymore, but I’ve missed you guys an awful lot. What’s been up with you? :-)

© Coracabana