Every year about a week before Christmas my daughter and I take a trip into downtown Seattle to check out all the holiday sights and finish our Christmas shopping. It is our tradition. And it never gets old. Sometimes other family members tag along, and other times it’s just the two of us, and it's fine either way - we have fun no matter what!
I’ve been doing this for as long as I can remember. My parents used to take me into the city to visit Santa at Frederick & Nelson and to ride the monorail and the Seattle Center “Bubbleator” which looked like this eleven months out of the year….
….but for Christmas they’d dress it up to look like a snowman. No, I’m not kidding.
I can never find a picture of it dressed like a snowman though, and that’s one thing I really wish I had! Oh well.
The Bubbleator is now gone. As are the uber cool Nutcracker March statues I told you about last year….
But make no mistake, Seattle still welcomes Santa with style! We went on Saturday, and here’s a sampling of what we did:
We brazenly ignored the fact it was raining cats puppies and dogs despite the lying weatherman’s promises that it would be sunny. *growl*….
We introduced my nephew to The Gum Wall….
And, yes, my daughter’s gum creation from last time was still there in all its icky sicky grody glory….
We had our horoscopes read by Elvis….
Yep. Elvis told me, “I see a great deal of happiness in the near future for you. A difficult time is passing.” :-) And Elvis told my nephew he will find treasure in the future. Thus, my nephew has decided he no longer wants to be a policeman when he grows up, now he wants a career in piracy. ARRRRRGH!
We went on the holiday carousel….
And, of course, we capped the whole thing off with yummy hot chocolate….

© Love Letters By Cora