[….and the Corascope Chronicles continue….]
I knew January 3rd was stalking me the whole time I was in Chicago. I could hear it every now and then, cackling evilly to itself and taunting, “I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little Scope too!”
Yes, I knew it was lying in wait around some dark, shadowy, mean little corner, preparing to pounce on us, all fangs and claws and stuff. But, really, it launched its vicious attack waaaaayyyyyyyy sooner than I was expecting, and before I knew it January 3rd was all up in my face, forcing me to pack my bags, say my goodbyes, and fly 2000 miles away from Scope again.
*sad sigh*
Not that we didn’t have fun first before hitting the airport.
Scope took it out.
Awwww, yeeaaaahhhh.
He took out the monkey.
Ooooooh, baby.
And I squealed with delight and anticipation.
The monkey was raised…
…ready for action…
…longing to play…
…and pointed…

And then we played.
(My apologies to my future neighbors.)
And Scope shot the monkey off.
Multiple times.

*le sigh*
After playing with the monkey (is it hot in here or is it just me?), Scope and I went out to lunch with his parents, sister, brother-in-law and niece. Lunch was a tad more action packed than I’d anticipated, complete with a run-in with the police, of all things – but somehow I feel this is more Scope’s tale to tell than mine, so I’ll just leave it at that.
Then far too soon we found ourselves at the airport. I took one last photo of Scope looking dashing and cute as all heck in the parking garage….

….and then Scope walked me to the security line where I promptly burst into tears.
Six months. I keep reminding myself we only have a mere six more months of this torture left. On July 3rd we’ll each say a couple of magic words which will put an end to all this monthly travelling back and forth forever.
I do.
And with that thought in my head, I walked through the security line knowing my world will be Scope-less for another four weeks, but I think we can make it.
I think we can make it.

© Love Letters By Cora