Last Friday Scope, Wednesday and I hopped in the car and headed for the airport. Where were we flying? Nowhere, silly! We were picking up BeckEye, who was coming into Chicago to do St. Patrick-y thingies for the weekend.
Scope had met BeckEye once before over the summer. I had missed out on that meeting back then because I was still stuck in Seattle. My move was delayed a month and a half and, thus, I missed out on meeting BeckEye.
(And, frankly, I’ve been bitter ever since.)
But all that pain was extinguished Friday when we met BeckEye at the airport. I met BeckEye! I met BeckEye!! I MET BECKEYE!!!! YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Ooh. Ooh!!—and there’s more! Not only did we meet her at the airport, we took her out to dinner too!….
BeckEye is exactly as I’ve always imagined her: witty, smart, and totally spectacular! Of course, we spent a lot of time discussing this year’s American Idol contestants. And Paul McDonald’s scary too-white teeth….
BeckEye had brought me the CD I won in her Big Wicked Online Pageant, but—d’oh!—then we forgot all about it again and accidentally left it in her suitcase, so I’m still Big Wicked Online Pageant Prize CD-less. But oh well. No biggie. I shared a big pretzel with her and, please, everybody knows big pretzels are even better than CDs. So, y’know, obviously my life is pretty much complete now. So, that’s good.
*happy sigh*
After dinner we took BeckEye to her friend’s house and headed back home. Then Saturday morning, Scope, Wednesday and I got up early and headed downtown for the big St. Patrick’s Day celebration. First we went to the Chicago River to watch them dye the river green [LINK]. Before the dyeing process commenced, the river looked like this….
Then they started pouring in the dye, which they spread throughout the river by driving a little speed boat around in it….
And when they were done, the river looked like this….
Pretty awesome, huh?! I know!
We attempted to watch the parade, but the crowd was so mammoth that we couldn’t even see it….
….so, instead, we saw festive stuff like this….
….and this….
….and this….
We even stopped in at Fannie May for some uber yummy sugary goodness….
But as much as I love that delicious chocolaty picture up there, my favorite picture from the whole day is this one….
Well, it was a long day and we were all a wee bit tired when we got home. But some of us were more tired than others….

© Coracabana