Seriously, people? Really?! Look what someone spray painted on my mom's car yesterday.
Yeah, that's right: "Papa Smurf".
Um…. okaaaaaayyyyyyy….
I know it's not funny, but I can't help but laugh. I mean, what kind of smurfhead goes around painting Smurf names on cars? (Gargamel and Azreal, I'm looking at YOU.)
But wait—it gets better! What was Mom wearing when she discovered her car had been smurfed up?.... A blue shirt and white pants, of course.

© Coracabana
Are you kidding?! That sucks.
OMG...That's so funny but really, it's not funny at all.
What Candy said.
But you never know, maybe you can capitalize on this. Like your mom could start a smurfy cab service or something. It's 2 smurfs to get in, then 25 smurfs every quarter smurf.
I am just going to ask this so that it's OUT there. Is she in fact DATING Papa Smurf? If so, the culprit is either Smurfette or that gay one who they always try to pass off as 'artistic'. Why do smurfs need an interior decorator? Every freakin' home is the same. They wear the same pants and hats all the time. Anyway. Where was I? Oh yeh. Sorry to hear about your mom's car. Maybe she should date a classier guy with less blue and less baggage. I don't mean to make fun but it IS funny. Nice touch on the blue and white color choice on her ensemble.
Holy Shit!!!
Well that's just...I laughed but hell if it was MY car? No. No laughing. I'd be tightening the laces on my ass-kicking boots. And polishing my rifle I'd have purchased for the occasion. And I'd be having me a stake out...someone's ass would be going down.
Hell at least they painted it BLUE.
I've tried to understand this all day but, no, I still don't get it.
And yet, if she pulled out the Barrett M82 .50 cal and put a hole the size of a manhole in the little punk's "man-hole", she's be the guilty one.
Ummmmm, yeah, I'm with Gwen. Stupid people >( How much is that gonna cost to remove/get repainted?????
Someone has too much time on his hands (and vodka on his breath).
That is just ridiculous.
I do have to say that I'm not as excited for the Smurfs as I was for Alvin and the Chipmucks. I'm just not feeling it.
I just showed this picture to The Wife and then I realized something: If that's the side closest to us, what does it say on the driver's side and the rear windows?!?!?!
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