One day, for no reason, I started a blog. I don’t even know why I did it. At the time there was a snotty little voice in the back of my head saying, “Really, asshat? You think you have time for this?!”
The voice had a point.
Minus the asshat part.
I had the workload of two parents and a laundry basket piled so high it was threatening to dent the ceiling, where did I think I was going to squeeze in the time to blog? Yet, I did…. until I got married and moved across the country. Then—pffft!—I dunno, it was like my old vibrant bloggy motivation just woke up one morning and dropped dead.
Kind of like Smash.
Honestly, there are so many other things I would rather be doing. Reading The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson with my kid. Talking about everything and/or nothing with my hubby. Ebaying (I made $70 on a skirt just the other day. Yeah, $70 on a stupid, ugly skirt!). Walking my neighborhood with my camera in tow. Working on my photo albums. Getting friendly with Ben & Jerry. All the usual stuff.
Over on Facebook (where a lot of our former bloggy buddies are these days) my hubby, Scope, challenged us all to do a post today. Just one itty bitty little post on Cyber Monday, just to say we did.
One post? I can handle that. Probably. So, here’s a quick update (with pictures! WHEEEEE!) of what’s been going on around here since I last did a real blog post:
We spent Spring Break in St. Louis….

….where we hung out with Gwen from Everything I Like Causes Cancer.

Wednesday started driving lessons. Here she is after a successful stint at parallel parking.

We grew strawberries in our deck garden this summer. (Lettuce too!)

We watched fireworks from our rooftop on the 4th of July (and our 3rd wedding anniversary).

In Summer, Wednesday cut about 8 inches off her hair and dyed it dark red. It looks AMAZING!

We spent two weeks in Seattle in July, seeing family….

….and Wednesday’s Seattle-y friends….

….and Scope finally got to meet Skyler’s Dad!

In August, our neighborhood was weirdly invaded by a gang of really pervy looking mushrooms. (I mean, really, hubba hubba.)

Wednesday started her Junior year in high school in late August.

For Halloween, Wednesday was Edward Scissorhands….

….I was Batgirl….

….and Scope was a mad scientist clown, terrorizing Chicago in the dark!

In the Fall, Wednesday turned 17.

For her birthday party, we took her and one of her best friends to the Treasures of the Walt Disney Archives museum exhibit where we saw some pretty spiffy stuff.

And we even learned how to draw Mickey Mouse.

And then about a week ago, we sent our bloggy guest pig Fernando Von Bakonstein back home to his owner, McGone. Fernando kissed Wednesday goodbye at the bus stop before school, then he walked to the post office with me, climbed bravely into a box, and off he went.

And now, well, we’re just trying to get a grip on the holidays. I’ve got a new 7.5’ spinning (yes, SPINNING!!!!) Christmas tree that just ain’t gonna decorate itself. So, you know….
I’m not sure if I’ll be back blogging regularly anytime soon, but this was fun. Yes, really.
I guess I didn’t realize I was kind of missing it until now. :-)

© Coracabana
And even though I was there for all of this, I love to read it.
Great post! And wow, it seems I've seen Wednesday grow up before my eyes.
What a beautiful young lady!
I guess in my mind she was still but a wee one!
Good job, you two! Now let's keep up this blogging stuff! It's fun! And even cathartic!
Thanks for the challenge, Scope!
Sounds like you've been having some great time away!
OMG your daughter has grown up so much! But you look younger, I feel like. Maybe love agrees with you ;) so glad to hear y'all are such a happy family :)
Woman, I am right there with you. Don't remember what you're missing until you get back to it. :)
Woman, I am right there with you. Don't remember what you were missing until you're right back in it. :)
And I'm always THRILLED when you pop up and man, it's been a while. Don't tell us about your busy life and blah blah you LAZY s**t! :) LOVE Wednesday's hair the deep red too. Is it just time or was she just nine years old about two years ago. It sure seems like it. HI!
Hey Cora! :) Long time no read!
Firstly - congrats on yours and Scope's happy ending.
Secondly - your post made me feel many things: amused, hungry, envious and very, very OLD!! My gosh! I can't believe your little girl is so grown up! But it looks like you have a lovely life and I couldn't be happier for you. You deserve it x
Ps: You rocked that Batgirl costume!
THe nice thing about taking time off from blogging is that there is plenty to write about! Looks like an awesome year so far!
Love, LoVe, LOVE this! The St. Louis Arch looks fantastic, those strawberries made me want to lick the screen and Wednesday as Edward Scissorhands was GENIUS!
Loved seeing all your pictures and catching up on your lives. We should do this every December. : )
I'm bummed I didn't see Gwen in person on Halloween - she looks awesome!
As always, I'm so happy for you and Scope and Wednesday. It's like a fairy tale, except that it's real. It gives hope to the rest of us that stuff like that actually HAPPENS.
Also, you can tell Wednesday that Edward Scissorhands costume is BAD ASS. :)
I want a spinning tree!!!
Living in lieu of blogging? Outrageous!!
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