[….and the Corascope Chronicles continue….]
Sundays are always sad whenever Scope and I are together. Someone always ends up hopping on a plane and flying 2000 miles away.
Every. Stinkin’. Sunday.
This time it was my turn, of course, so Sunday morning found me rushing around, collecting Gwen’s and my scattered possessions and repacking our suitcases. But I didn’t pack everything. Noooooo, sir. Some of our stuff I left right there in Scope’s condo (henceforth to be known as OUR HOME.) (Squeeeeeeeeeee!!!!) Our winter coats are hanging in OUR hall closet. Gwen’s extensive stuffed animal collection is set up on display in HER new bedroom. And our beloved Harry Potter DVDs are in OUR living room.
Yeah, you read that right. I moved in my Harry Potter DVDs. (And 50 bucks says Callista just fainted!) People, for a devout HP fan such as I, it doesn’t get any more serious than THAT, okay?! ;-)
But as I was rushing around, gathering up my clothes, which had sneakily migrated all across the floor of OUR bedroom, an awful sight met my eyes: Scope was curled up like a sad puppy on the foot of OUR bed with huge tears swelling in his eyes.
“I’m going to miss my girls,” he sniffled.
And *CRACK* my heart broke right in two.
I curled up on the bed with him, hugged him and kissed his cheek. There was nothing I could say to erase the uber-ugly crappiness of the fact that I was about to let Southwest Airlines catapult me and Gwen across the country, far, far away…. except to point out that this was our last visit to Chicago. Mm-hmm. The next time Gwen and I set foot in Illinois, we will be coming HOME, not visiting.
Let’s just pause and let that gleeful, amazing thought sink in for a minute, shall we?………….
Happy, happy, joy, joy!
But wait—
After consoling Scope, I walked out to the living room to round up more wayward possessions, and yet another awful sight met my eyes: Gwen was curled up like a sad puppy on the end of OUR couch with tears swelling in her eyes!
“I don’t wanna go back,” she sniffled, “I’m gonna miss the three of us.”
(I have mentioned how much Scope and Gwen remind me of each other, right?)
So, I pulled her into a hug, kissed her cheek, and consoled her as well. And then, far too soon, it was time to go. After a quick three-way flying monkey stuffed animal fight (seriously, you guys, you’ve GOT TO get one of those things! They’re sooooooooooooooo much fun!), we loaded the bags in the car and headed out to meet Scope’s parents for lunch.
Scope’s mom was extremely excited to get to meet her future granddaughter. She came bearing gifts for her “bonus grandbaby” and everything! Soooooooooo cute!….
But, faster than blinking, it seemed, lunch was over and we’d said goodbye to Scope’s parents, and then Scope, Gwen and I were saying goodbye at the airport. Again.
And I hate that. Saying goodbye STINKS!!!!
Once we got through security, Gwen and I drowned our sorrows at the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream stand….
….and then soon we were onboard our plane, heading back to Seattle.
*sad sigh*

© Love Letters By Cora