Because I’m feeling Halloweeny (lucky Halloweeny! *ba dum tish*), today I’m taking part in Beckeye’s Big Wicked Online Pageant, which, as I choose to understand it, is kinda like a costume contest AND a time machine all globbed deliciously together in a Phish Food Ice Cream-esque way.
(Mmmmmmm…. ice cream-esque….)
Beckeye’s rules say I’m supposed to show off a photo of a costume from a Halloween past and post it here today—and then if I am truly a rock star and some people vote for me and stuff, I might win (*fingers crossed*) an actual prize!
[If you too want to participate or vote for me (*batting eyelashes*) or if you just wanna read the non-Coraified version of the rules, you can do so HERE AT THIS LINK.]
Okay, so I couldn’t make up my mind on which picture to post. So, I’m giving you two. (Two.) (Two costumes in one.)
No, no, no—I’m not cheating! Really! I’m just indecisive! I mean, asking me to pick just ONE picture is like asking me to eat just ONE Hershey’s Kiss! It just ain’t gonna happen, people, ‘kay?!
So, shhhhhhh, don’t tell anyone I posted two pictures. That’ll be our little secret, just you and me. And when you go over to Beckeye’s blog to vote for me (hint, hint) just erase from your mind whichever picture of mine you like least and only remember the one you like most, okidoki? Cool.
So, here we go.
My first picture is from Halloween 1982. I was ten and my mom made this costume for me because I begged her alllllllllllllllll Summer lonnnnngggggg for it….
Yeah. I was Ms. Pac-Man. And your point is….?
My second picture is from Halloween 2006. I was—uhhh—30-something-ish and, inheriting my mom’s talent for making ridiculous costumes by hand, I made it myself….
I called it “A Safari Gone Bad”. Basically, I was wearing a safari shirt and hat, I was inside a huge cooking pot I made out of felt which was being held into the air by a monkey. My legs were actually inside the monkey’s legs, so when I walked around it appeared the monkey was the one walking and carrying me around in a cooking pot. Not too shabby, eh? ;-)
Okay, so that’s it. Please visit Beckeye’s blog at the link above, check out the other bloggers participating, and then vote your Halloween-lovin’ guts out!
Go! Go! GO!!!!

© Coracabana