So, picking back up where we left off: We were dressed. And lookin’ gooOOooOOood.
(Especially Scope.)
(Hubba hubba.)
The ceremony was absolutely lovely and went off without a single snag, which just made me wanna whoop, cartwheel, and hi-five everyone in the near vicinity, because, dammit, I’m not used to such perfection. But I wrestled down my exuberance and pinned its sorry, crybaby butt to the floor (‘though, I admit, it wasn’t easy—my exuberance fights freakin’ dirty, okay?!) and settled for hugging everyone in sight afterwards.
I could delve into all the details of the ceremony, yapping on and on and on here, sucking all your valuable time away for many eons to come. Or I could just show you.
Thanks to Callista’s hubby, Mad Dog, who brandished my Flip Camera for me, we have the whole ceremony on video.
Wanna see?!
Scope broke the video up into three parts to appease YouTube (where size matters, folks.)
Here is Part One: The Processional, where you’ll see Scope’s parents; followed by my dad and step-mom; then my mom and my brother; our marvelous Minister, Becky; Scope; Callista and my brother (yeah, he walked down the aisle twice!); my daughter, Gwen, and Scope’s friend, Tony; my niece and nephew as our flower girl and ring bearer; and, finally, me and my dad….
Here is Part Two: The Ceremony, where you’ll hear a slight hubbub as our flower girl goes back to pick up the flowers she’d dropped *snicker* and you’ll see our uberawesome photographer, Rachel, sneaking around like a Ninja in the background, getting all the golden moments on film (I love it!!)….
And here is Part Three: The Vows, where you’ll see Scope and I become husband and wife, exchange rings, suck face, hug our daughter (*sniffle*), and all that good stuff….
And there you have it—proof that I am Mrs. Scope!!!! :-)
*le sigh*
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the ceremony….
(And a big, BIG thank you goes out to Maribeth and…. uhhh…. whoever was taking pictures on my camera during the ceremony (????) for those shots—they’re priceless!)
After the recessional, Scope and I went back out and excused everyone from their seats row by row. Then I ran off to the restroom lounge with my daughter and all her friends, who were wonderful enough to all sit on the floor behind me for about ten minutes, tying up the bustle on my gown for the reception….
Once my butt was bustled, it was time to par-tay!!
Up next: The Reception....

© Coracabana
Love the picture of the first kiss! there isn't one on my camera, and the family hug!
Oh, let's do that again every year, it was so much fun!
Wait? There was pudding? I missed pudding? I have proof on my finger, but could really use some pudding.
Scope, oh, I guess I should have answered your picture comment HERE rather than on your blog where I just did. Take any of my pics you want, sexy husband!! They're all on FB. Or if you want me to email any of them to you, just say the word. You know where to find me.
Mmmmmmm.... pudding....
*drooling like Homer*
I came to see wedding photos but got distracted by pudding!
love the pic of the three of you hugging! Such a great sight!
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